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Kevin brings 36 years of experience in the custom home building business with the past 24 of those years as the owner of the company. Kevin and his wife Barb grew up in rural Indiana on neighboring farms. They have two sons and their younger son Troy, a Ball State University graduate, joined Odyssey Construction, LLC in June of 2013 as a partner.

Being an active part of the community in which we live has always been a priority for the Stackhouse family. Giving back is something that comes naturally. We believe by volunteering and helping those less fortunate, we make our community stronger and more vibrant.

Kevin has been active with Habitat for Humanity for more than 20 years, beginning back in his days living in Indiana. He currently serves with Habitat for Humanity Nashville. As a member of Forest Hills United Methodist Church, Kevin serves the congregation as chair of the Trustees committee. He is also very active in the mission work of the church, serving both locally and internationally on mission teams providing skilled contractor services.

Troy is active in his local church volunteering on the technology team. He is an active supporter of Men of Valor. Troy volunteers and contributes to Narrow Gate Foundation on a regular basis.

Kevin and Troy both tutor Kindergarten students at an elementary school here in Nashville. Many of the children served speak English as a second language and just need a little extra help.